If you are planning to do a rock job anytime in the near future, you may consider using this unique invention created by Larry Santangelo.  Larry is the founder and owner of the Rock Solid Stone Centers.  Larry knows how hard it is to put a shovel into a pile of rock.  This brilliant piece of equipment can be delivered and assembled on site for you to use, then picked up and removed when you’re all done!  This made headlines when it came out, and it’s a Rock Solid Time saver, Money saver, but most importantly…a back saver!  For more on the Drop-N-Rock Click Here.



Main Footer Calculator Section

Calculate What You Need and Keep
Landscaping Costs Down!

Measuring for square footage is easy.  Just measure the length X width of the area you want to cover and you will have the square footage.  One Yard will cover 100 Square Feet to a depth of 2 inches for Rock and Mulch, 80 Square Feet for Bark and 150 Square Feet for Shell.  If you have questions...


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