Dirt & Topsoil

  • When calculating measurements, keep in mind, the material will pack down
  • It is always a great idea to consider adding compost to your soil for maximum organic nutrients

Soil is the foundation of our landscape. It is comprised of sand, silt and clay, mixed with varying amounts of organic matter, water and air. It is a complex and dynamic medium, able to serve many functions. Topsoil, as the name infers, is the uppermost layer of soil. When buying topsoil, a preconceived notion is the darker, the better. While an increase in darkness is often associated with an increase in organic matter, soils which are very dark and grayish may have been dredged from wetland areas. Rock Solid is known throughout the area for hand selecting all materials including topsoils.

Dirt & Topsoil Varieties

  • Fill Dirt

    Also know as Dirt Fill or Common Dirt, this product is used for filling in low areas, such as areas with drainage issues. Great for filling in pesky holes from animals. Keep in mind when calculating measurements, the material will pack down.
    Available at the following Locations: NPR / Spring Hill / Odessa

  • Top Soil

    Dark brown dirt, used for areas where plants are to be installed. Perfect for annual flower beds. It is always a great idea to consider adding compost to your soil for maximum organic nutrients.
    Available at the following Locations: NPR / Spring Hill / Odessa

Main Footer Calculator Section

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Landscaping Costs Down!

Measuring for square footage is easy.  Just measure the length X width of the area you want to cover and you will have the square footage.  One Yard will cover 100 Square Feet to a depth of 2 inches for Rock and Mulch, 80 Square Feet for Bark and 150 Square Feet for Shell.  If you have questions...


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